
Springtime Salads

 Ensalada de Primavera

(Springtime Salad)

200 gr. Roast chicken (leftovers are perfect!)
100 gr. Radishes
100 gr. Cooked Green beans
100 gr. Ham, Italian prosciutto or bacon
80 gr. Gruyere cheese or similar
1 Green pepper
2 Tomatoes 
1 Cucumber
Olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper
Cut in thin strips the ham, chicken, cheese and the vegetables. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl and seasoned with salt, pepper, oil, vinegar, and if desired, with a little minced garlic. Mix well and serve.

       Cheese and walnuts salad

1 Lettuce (Romaine, iceberg,etc) or watercress 
200 gr. Cheese
A handful of walnuts
Olive oil, Modena vinegar and salt
If you are using lettuce, wash it well and cut it into little pieces. Watercress should also be washed and dry well before preparing the salad.

Put the lettuce  or watercress in a salad bowl. Cut cheese into little cubes and add it. Cut the walnuts in Little bits and add them to the salad. You can also add raisins, apple or bacon bits if you wish. Season with a pinch of salt, Modena vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Mix well and serve.

See also our Salad Sensations