
Orange Custard

Natillas de Naranja (Orange Custard)

Time: 30 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Price: Affordable

10 eggs
50gr sugar               
2 tablespoons of butter
1kg oranges

First beat the egg whites well and then add the yolks of seven eggs. Squeeze the oranges and strain the juice. Add the juice to the beaten eggs and put everything in a saucepan over low heat. Add the sugar gradually and stir to dissolve well. Incorporate the butter, stirring, without allowing it to boil.
When it is a little thick, turn off heat and let it cool. Distribute into dessert cups and put them in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
You can add whipped cream, a biscuit, cinnamon powder or mint leaves to decorate.

See also:

Assorted Flans

Arroz con Leche y Compota de Invierno

Pastas de Mantequilla (Butter Cookies)